The word Botnet comes from the words ‘Robot’ and ‘Network’ combined and are usually responsible for Denial-of-Service Attacks and SPAM Mass Email Campaigns.
Botnets are defined as a network of computers running bots under control of a ‘Bot Herder’. The bots are a software application that runs over a network, while the ‘Bot Herder’ maintains and controls the Botnets.
Bots in themselves are not inherently bad, they are often used for mundane repetitive tasks and speed up operations. There is even Voluntary Botnet schemes such as SETI@home, an unusual campaign to search for ETs.

Why should I be concerned if my machine is part of a Botnet? The majority of the time Botnets are used for malicious reasons and cause concerns for your own device. Malicious reasons include:
- Mass Email Campaigns – malicious email campaigns aimed at distributing malware attacks usually for financial gain
- Distributed Denial of Service Attacks (DDoS) – an attack that aims to render a computer or device unavailable
- Fake internet traffic generation – Ad Fraud Botnets scam marketers by creating fake traffic through online adverts and thus costing the organisation. Such Botnets are difficult to spot as use very few resources.
- Remote Desktop Protocol (RDP) Attacks – a serious form of attack that allows hackers to exploit network security flaws and introduce Malware.
- Internet of Things (IoT) Attacks – IoT is a system of billions of internet connected devices that collect and share data without human intervention for user benefit. Botnets, like the Mirai Botnet, scan the internet for IoT devices and infect them.
How can a device show the signs of a Botnet infection?
- Unexplained activity – a machines processor, hard-drive or fans may be running excessively without cause
- Slow internet – the internet may be loading slower than usual, or you may notice your router working furiously without reason
- Slow reboots and shutdowns – if a computer is actively taking part in a Botnet Attack it may take longer to shut down
- Applications are crashing – applications that previously ran perfectly are now slower and crashing
- Excessive RAM usage – Botnets consume memory, you may see a mysterious application using large amounts of RAM
- Mysterious emails – people on your contact list may complain you have sent them SPAM emails
How to prevent and protect your organisation from attack? Botnet prevention and protection is not unlike protecting your organisation from other forms of Malware. Tecnica offer comprehensive IT Security solutions that perfectly combine an array of tools designed to fully protect, prevent and prepare for Botnet and other forms of Malware Attacks.
Fully protect your organisation from cyber-attack, contact us today