Nobody wants to fall victim to a phishing scam, but the increase in sophistication in the scams we receive makes it all the more difficult for everyone to avoid them. There is a reason these scams are on the rise; cyber criminals can make huge profits from them.

What should we do to avoid falling prey to these phishing scams? Here are our top tips for avoiding the trap.
Think before you click
The most obvious tip when it comes to phishing scams. Although it’s fine to click links when you’re on a trusted site, clicking a link within an email or message from an unknown source, is not such a good idea. If you receive a message containing links from an unusual sender, think twice before clicking them. If you recognise the sender, you should hover over the links before clicking them, to ensure they are safe. If in doubt, go straight to the site yourself without clicking the link.
Review the senders email address
Hackers can make email addresses look convincingly similar to one that you might recognise. Check the domain name matches what you would expect from that sender. If it seems suspicious, don’t click any links in the message or you could fall victim to an attack.
Keep your browser up to date
Popular browsers release security patches all the time, fixing the issues that hackers previously exploited. When a new update comes out, install it. It may be what keeps you in the clear.
Never give out personal information
The majority of phishing emails will direct you to pages where you will be asked for personal or financial information. Never enter confidential information through clicking one of these links. As well as this, never send an email with your private information to anyone.
Stay cautious across all channels
Although phishing links are most commonly sent via email, it’s important to remain cautious when receiving messages on every channel. Phishing links can come through a text message, a message on social media, or even a phone call, so be vigilant.
Allow us to ensure your safety
At Tecnica, we are cyber security experts. Our team of experienced IT professionals will ensure you remain safe from scams such as phishing, as well as many others. Give yourself peace of mind, allow us to keep your organisation safe from cyber criminals.