Over the recent few years Remote Access technologies have been driven by a need to continue working through the Covid-19 outbreak. The benefits of Remote Access has proven critical to maintaining productivity through a difficult time. The benefits of Remote Access technologies can still be gained to this day. What are the benefits of Remote Access Technologies to your organisation?

Reduced Costs
Although the initial set up of Remote Access Technologies may be somewhat costly at first the cost savings can be great. Maintainace costs of underlying infrastructure which would otherwise be handled in-house can be handled by a service provider. Which in turn can reduce costs on maintenance of Hardware and Software.
Greater Flexibility for employees
Many employees have enjoyed a flexible work-structure over the last few years and would like to continue an either hybrid working or fully remote. Research shows that of the 60% of workers who worked from home during the pandemic, 26% would like to continue. Offering employees options of working models can improve employee happiness and productivity.
Enhanced Security
A concern many organisation face when considering Remote Access Technologies is security. 71% of business decision makers poled believed fully remote working has led to increased security vulnerabilities and likelihood of a cyber breach. With Remote Access can come security challenges, making the Service Provider you choose critical to ensuring enhanced security. Tecnica offer market-leading security integrated into every solution we offer.
With a wealth of over 35 years experience and a breadth of various forms of IT knowledge – Tecnica are the trusted IT Service and Solution provider throughout Scotland. Tecnica Remote Access Solutions are devised with Security at the core. Technically led as opposed to sales driven – Tecnica consultants deliver excellent Remote Access Solutions that are cost effective and resolve any prior IT frustrations.
To discover more on Remote Access Solutions visit: Remote Access – IT Solutions Scotland – Tecnica Ltd (tecnica-ltd.co.uk)